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Is Solar Still Worth It in 2024? Understanding Feed-in Tariffs and Maximizing Your Solar Investment in South Australia

Is Solar Still Worth It in 2024? Understanding Feed-in Tariffs and Maximizing Your Solar Investment in South Australia

If you're living in South Australia, you've probably heard a lot about solar energy and feed-in tariffs (FiTs) over the years. Feed-in tariffs were once a significant incentive for households to install solar panels, as the South Australian Government heavily subsidised these rates. However, times have changed, and the average feed-in tariff is now only around 5c per kWh. This might leave you wondering: is solar still worth it in 2024?

The Shift in Feed-in Tariffs

Feed-in tariffs were initially introduced to encourage the adoption of solar energy by allowing homeowners to sell the excess electricity their solar panels generated back to the grid at a higher rate. For many years, these tariffs made solar installations incredibly attractive, as homeowners could not only reduce their energy bills but also earn money from the surplus energy they generated.

However, as solar adoption has increased and the market has matured, these government subsidies have been phased out. Today, South Australia operates a net feed-in tariff system, where you are paid for the electricity you export to the grid after your own energy needs have been met. With feed-in tariffs now as low as 5c per kWh, the financial return from exporting solar energy to the grid has significantly decreased.

Maximizing Solar Energy Usage

In 2024, the focus for solar homeowners in South Australia has shifted from selling energy back to the grid to maximising self-consumption of the solar energy they generate. This means using as much of your solar energy as possible while the sun is shining, rather than relying on the grid or exporting it at low rates.

One key strategy is to align your energy usage with daylight hours. For example, running your washing machine, dishwasher, or pool pump during the day can help you use your solar energy more effectively. Additionally, investing in energy storage solutions like batteries can allow you to store excess energy for use during the evening or on cloudy days.

Introducing a Revolutionary Product: Storing Solar Energy as Heat

At Rite Price Solar, we recognise that hot water is the second-largest energy consumer in most households. In response, we've developed a revolutionary product that takes solar energy optimisation to the next level. Our unique system allows you to store excess solar energy as heat, specifically for use in showering, even if your hot water system is gas-powered.

This innovative solution not only helps you maximise your solar energy usage but also offers the added benefit of reducing your gas bills. By using stored solar energy to heat your water, you can save up to $2 per day on gas costs—a substantial amount that adds up over time.

Is Solar Still Worth It in 2024?

The short answer is yes. Despite the reduction in feed-in tariffs, solar energy remains a worthwhile investment in 2024, especially when you focus on maximising your self-consumption. With electricity prices on the rise and the growing importance of sustainability, generating your own solar power can significantly reduce your reliance on the grid and lower your energy bills.

Moreover, innovative products like Rite Price Solar's energy-to-heat storage system enhance the value of your solar installation by allowing you to reduce both electricity and gas costs. By harnessing the full potential of your solar energy, you can ensure that your investment continues to pay off for years to come.


While the days of high feed-in tariffs may be over, the benefits of solar energy are far from diminished. By focusing on self-consumption and utilizing cutting-edge technology like Rite Price Solar's heat storage system, you can continue to enjoy the financial and environmental rewards of solar energy in 2024 and beyond.

If you're considering a solar installation or looking to upgrade your existing system, now is the perfect time to explore how Rite Price Solar can help you make the most of your solar energy. Contact us today to learn more about our innovative solutions and how we can help you maximise your solar investment.