Find Your Perfect Solar System Size

Are you ready to make the switch to solar but not sure what system size you need? Whether you're powering a cozy homette or a bustling family home, our simple guide helps you find the perfect solar system to match your energy usage. Say goodbye to confusing technical jargon and hello to savings – let's get started!

Step 1: Work Out Your Daily Electricity Consumption

Grab a recent electricity bill and look for your daily usage in kWh (kilowatt-hours). If it’s not listed, don’t worry! As a general rule, each person in a household uses about 6kWh of electricity per day. Multiply that by the number of people in your home to estimate your daily usage.

  • Example:
    • 1 person: ~6kWh/day
    • 2 people: ~12kWh/day
    • 4 people: ~24kWh/day
Step 2: Understand Your Electricity Usage Patterns

It’s not just how much electricity you use — it’s when you use it that matters! Solar panels generate the most energy during the day, and if your home’s energy use aligns with that, you’ll use more of your solar energy directly. The more energy you self-consume (instead of sending it to the grid), the more you save.

Ask Yourself:

  • Are you home during the day?
    Homes where people are at work or school during the day might have lower daytime energy consumption. In this case, you’ll rely more on a battery to store solar energy for evening use.
  • Do you run energy-hungry appliances in the afternoon?
    If you tend to use large appliances (like dishwashers, washing machines, or air conditioners) during the day, you’ll be able to use your solar energy more efficiently without needing a large battery.

Usage Patterns and Solar/Battery Sizing:

  1. Daytime Energy Use Is High:
    • You’ll benefit from a smaller battery and a solar system that directly powers your home during the day.
  2. Daytime Energy Use Is Low:
    • A larger battery will allow you to store excess solar energy generated during the day, giving you power for the evening and night.
  3. Mixed Day/Night Use:
    • Consider a medium-sized battery if you use energy throughout the day but still need power stored for later use.
What’s Your Usage Pattern?

Think about your daily routine. Are you using energy when the sun is shining, or are you more likely to use electricity in the evenings and at night? By matching your system to your usage pattern, you can maximise the benefits of solar and reduce your energy bills.

  • Example: If you're home during the day running appliances and using air conditioning, you'll be able to use more solar energy directly, reducing the need for a large battery. However, if you’re mostly at home in the evenings, storing solar energy in a battery will be crucial to powering your home after the sun goes down.
Step 3: Calculate Your Ideal System Size
Smaller than you thought?

In the past, larger solar systems were often recommended because of the high feed-in tariffs offered by energy providers, which ranged from 15 to 50c per kWh. Homeowners could export large amounts of excess solar electricity to the grid, helping cover their night-time energy consumption by simply feeding back into the grid.

But times have changed. - Introducing Solar 2.0

Today, feed-in tariffs have significantly decreased, with most providers now offering only around 5c per kWh for exported solar energy. Because of this, the optimal approach to solar system sizing has shifted. Instead of oversizing your system to export excess energy, the new reality is to focus on covering your daytime needs and, if you choose to add a battery, sizing the system to generate enough energy to fill the battery for night-time use.

Read more about Solar 2.0 - smaller solar = less investment & better outcomes.