
4.4kW Trina Vertex, Goodwe Inverter, and 9.6kWh Battery Bundle

If your home uses an average of 18–20kWh of electricity per day, we’ve got the perfect solar solution for you. Our tailored 4.4kW Solar Package features premium Trina Vertex Solar Panels, paired with a reliable Goodwe Inverter and a powerful 9.6kWh battery for energy storage. Designed to cover your daily electricity needs, this bundle helps you take control of your energy bills, reduce your reliance on the grid, and increase your energy independence.

Package Highlights:

1. 4.4kW Trina Vertex Solar Panels
Specifically chosen to meet the needs of homes using around 18–20kWh of electricity per day, our Trina Vertex Solar Panels provide the perfect balance of efficiency and performance.

  • High Efficiency: Maximise your solar power generation, even with fewer panels, optimising roof space.
  • Advanced Technology: The panels use multi-busbar technology and a half-cell design to ensure stable and powerful energy production, even in low-light conditions.
  • Built to Last: Trina’s panels are designed to handle harsh weather, ensuring long-term reliability and consistent energy output.

2. Goodwe Inverter
The Goodwe Inverter converts solar energy into usable electricity for your home with unmatched efficiency and durability.

  • Efficient Conversion: Ensures that you get the most energy possible from your solar panels, helping you maximise savings.
  • Smart Monitoring: The built-in monitoring app allows you to track your system’s performance in real-time, giving you full control over your energy consumption.
  • Reliable Performance: Engineered for Australian conditions, the Goodwe Inverter is known for its stability and long-term performance.

3. 9.6kWh Battery
Our 9.6kWh Battery is the perfect size to store enough energy for your home’s night-time usage, ensuring you’re still powered even when the sun isn’t shining.

  • High Storage Capacity: Store surplus energy generated during the day for use in the evening, or during grid outages.
  • Energy Independence: Reduce your reliance on the grid by using stored solar energy during peak periods or at night.
  • Optimised Usage: With a battery size that perfectly fits the daily consumption of homes using 18–20kWh, this solution is tailored to meet your household’s energy needs.

Why Is This Package Perfect for You?

If you’re wondering how much energy your home consumes, check the top of your electricity bill—homes using around 18–20kWh daily will benefit most from this 4.4kW package. It’s designed to provide consistent energy generation throughout the day while storing enough for the evening, significantly reducing your energy costs.

Personalised Savings with Our Energy Analyser

Wondering if this package is the right fit for your home? Use our AI Home Energy Analyser to get a personalised assessment of your electricity needs. Just enter your details, or check the top of your energy bill to find your average daily consumption, and we’ll show you how much you could save with this custom solar solution!

Benefits of Our 4.4kW Solar Bundle

  • Energy Savings: Generate and store enough energy to significantly reduce your electricity bills.
  • Tailored to Your Needs: Specifically designed for homes using 18–20kWh per day, ensuring optimal performance and savings.
  • Battery Backup: Use stored energy to power your home in the evening or during power outages.
  • Energy Independence: Minimise reliance on the grid and take control of your energy usage.
  • Sustainable Living: Reduce your carbon footprint by making the most of renewable solar energy.

Get Started Today

Ready to take control of your energy costs and reduce your electricity bills? Contact Rite Price Solar today to schedule your site inspection and receive a personalised quote. Don’t forget to check your savings potential with our AI Home Energy Analyser, where you can find out how much you could save based on your home’s average energy consumption. The future of energy independence starts now!

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General Energy Savings Analysis

4.4kW Solar Power System with 9.6kWh Battery

For households consuming 18-20kWh per day from the grid, installing a 4.4kW solar power system combined with a 9.6kWh battery can significantly reduce reliance on grid electricity. By self-consuming 43% of the solar energy generated, you can maximise savings by using solar energy during the day and storing excess energy in the battery for night-time use. Below is a detailed analysis of the potential savings based on these conditions.

System Overview

  • Solar PV Capacity: 4.4kW
  • Average Daily Solar Generation: 4.4kW x 4.2 kWh/kW = 18.48 kWh/day
  • Battery Storage Capacity: 9.6kWh
  • Client’s Average Daily Energy Consumption: 18-20kWh
  • Electricity Tariff: $0.40/kWh (grid electricity cost)
  • Feed-In Tariff: $0.05/kWh (for excess solar exported to the grid)

Energy Distribution

With 43% self-consumption, a significant portion of the solar energy generated will be used directly, with additional solar energy stored in the 9.6kWh battery to further reduce grid consumption at night.

Energy Breakdown

1. Energy Used Directly from Solar (Self-Consumption)

  • Self-Consumption Rate: 43% of solar generation is used directly during the day.
  • Direct Solar Use: 43% of 18.48 kWh = 7.95 kWh/day used directly from solar generation.

2. Energy Stored in Battery

  • Battery Capacity: After direct self-consumption, the excess energy will be stored in the 9.6kWh battery for use during non-solar hours.
  • Excess Energy Available for Storage: 57% of the solar energy is available for storage.
    • 57% of 18.48 kWh = 10.53 kWh/day.
    • Since the battery capacity is 9.6kWh, the excess energy stored is capped at 9.6 kWh/day.

3. Energy Imported from the Grid

  • Client’s Average Daily Energy Consumption: 18-20kWh.
  • Solar and Battery Contribution: Total energy provided by the solar system and battery is 7.95 kWh (direct use) + 9.6 kWh (battery) = 17.55 kWh/day.
  • Remaining Energy Drawn from the Grid:
    • For 18kWh consumption:
      18kWh - 17.55kWh (solar + battery) = 0.45 kWh/day from the grid.
    • For 20kWh consumption:
      20kWh - 17.55kWh = 2.45 kWh/day from the grid.

4. Excess Energy Exported to the Grid

  • Excess Energy Exported: The remaining solar energy not consumed or stored is exported to the grid. Since the battery stores 9.6kWh of the excess solar, the leftover energy is exported.
    • Excess Energy Available: 10.53 kWh (excess solar) - 9.6 kWh (battery storage) = 0.93 kWh/day exported to the grid.

Financial Analysis

1. Self-Consumption Savings

  • Electricity Tariff: $0.40/kWh.
  • Daily Savings from Self-Consumption (Solar + Battery):
    • Self-Consumed Energy: 7.95 kWh (direct) + 9.6 kWh (battery) = 17.55 kWh/day.
    • Savings: 17.55 kWh x $0.40/kWh = $7.02/day.

2. Cost of Grid Electricity

  • Energy Imported from the Grid:
    • For 18kWh usage: 0.45 kWh/day.
    • For 20kWh usage: 2.45 kWh/day.
  • Daily Cost of Grid Electricity:
    • 18kWh scenario: 0.45 kWh x $0.40/kWh = $0.18/day.
    • 20kWh scenario: 2.45 kWh x $0.40/kWh = $0.98/day.

3. Feed-In Tariff Earnings

  • Excess Energy Exported: 0.93 kWh/day.
  • Earnings from Feed-In Tariff: 0.93 kWh x $0.05 = $0.05/day.

4. Total Daily Benefit

  • 18kWh Daily Scenario:
    • Daily Savings from Solar and Battery: $7.02/day.
    • Daily Grid Cost: -$0.18/day.
    • Daily Feed-In Tariff Earnings: +$0.05/day.
    • Net Daily Benefit: $7.02 - $0.18 + $0.05 = $6.89/day.
  • 20kWh Daily Scenario:
    • Daily Savings from Solar and Battery: $7.02/day.
    • Daily Grid Cost: -$0.98/day.
    • Daily Feed-In Tariff Earnings: +$0.05/day.
    • Net Daily Benefit: $7.02 - $0.98 + $0.05 = $6.09/day.

5. Annual Savings

  • 18kWh Scenario:
    $6.89/day x 365 = $2,515.85/year.
  • 20kWh Scenario:
    $6.09/day x 365 = $2,222.85/year.

Why Choose a 4.4kW Solar Power System with a 9.6kWh Battery?

  • Optimised Self-Consumption: By self-consuming 43% of your solar energy and storing excess energy in the 9.6kWh battery, you can minimise your reliance on grid electricity.
  • Substantial Financial Savings: With annual savings of up to $2,515.85/year, this system provides a strong return on investment while reducing your energy costs.
  • Reduced Grid Reliance: With the ability to store up to 9.6kWh/day, you can use solar power even during non-sunny hours, further decreasing your need for expensive grid electricity.
  • Environmental Impact: By using more of your own renewable solar energy, you reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, greener environment.

Get a Tailored Savings Estimate with Our AI Energy Analyser

While this analysis provides a strong estimate of potential savings, actual results can vary based on specific energy consumption patterns and location. For the most accurate and customised savings estimate, try our AI Home Energy Analyser. This tool uses advanced data analysis to evaluate your household’s energy usage, solar generation, and battery performance, helping you make informed decisions about your solar investment.

Why Use Our AI Energy Analyser?

  • Highly Accurate Projections: Our AI Energy Analyser uses real-time data and sophisticated algorithms to deliver highly accurate projections tailored to your unique energy usage.
  • Customised Recommendations: Receive personalised insights into how you can optimise your energy savings based on your specific consumption patterns and solar generation.
  • Clear and Transparent: We provide straightforward calculations, ensuring you fully understand the financial benefits of your solar and battery investment.

Ready to Maximise Your Savings? Discover exactly how much you can save with a 4.4kW solar system and 9.6kWh battery. Try our AI Home Energy Analyser to get a customised savings estimate tailored to your needs!

4.4kW Trina Solar | Goodwe Inverter + 9.6kWh Battery | Installed

$ 13,309.00 AUD
* Price Includes Standard Installation.
and is nett of any applicable STC's or incentives. (Including GST)
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