
Maximise Your Energy Efficiency with Our 5.2kW JA Solar System + Goodwe Hybrid Inverter & 12.8kWh Battery

Is your home’s daily electricity usage between 21-24kWh? Our 5.2kW JA Solar Power System, paired with a 5kW Goodwe Hybrid Inverter and a 12.8kWh Goodwe Lynx battery, is the perfect solution to reduce energy costs and achieve true energy independence.

With this system, you’ll generate and store enough solar power to significantly reduce your reliance on the grid, ensuring you're well-prepared for both day and night energy needs. Simply check your bill to confirm your energy consumption, or use our Energy Analyser to find the ideal solar solution for your home.

Is This System Right for You?

If your household consumes 21-24kWh of electricity daily, this 5.2kW solar system with a 12.8kWh battery will help you reduce your dependence on grid power. The combination of efficient solar generation and robust battery storage ensures you can use clean solar energy during peak times and store excess for later, cutting your electricity bills even further.

Unsure about your energy usage? Our Energy Analyser can help you pinpoint your consumption and find the perfect solar system for your home.

System Components:

5.2kW JA Solar Panels

JA Solar panels are among the most advanced on the market, offering exceptional power generation even in less-than-ideal conditions. These high-efficiency panels are designed to maximise solar capture and are built to withstand the harsh Australian climate.

  • Superior Efficiency: Achieve greater energy output with fewer panels.
  • Advanced Design: Multi-busbar and half-cell technology increase performance and panel durability.
  • Weather Resistance: Built to last through tough weather conditions, ensuring long-term reliability.

5kW Goodwe Hybrid Inverter

The Goodwe Hybrid Inverter intelligently manages your solar power, battery storage, and grid interaction, ensuring your system runs efficiently and effectively.

  • Smart Energy Management: Seamlessly switches between solar, battery, and grid power for optimal savings.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Track your energy usage and system performance through a user-friendly app.
  • Durable & Safe: IP65 rated for weather resistance, with built-in safety features for peace of mind.

Goodwe Lynx 12.8kWh Battery

The Goodwe Lynx 12.8kWh battery stores your excess solar power, allowing you to tap into your stored energy when you need it most—whether during the evening or in the event of a grid outage.

  • Large Capacity: Store up to 12.8kWh of solar energy for night-time use or emergency backup.
  • Energy Independence: Significantly reduce your reliance on the grid and avoid peak energy costs.
  • Reliable Backup: Stay powered even during blackouts or grid disruptions.

Expert Installation for Maximum Performance

Our team of accredited solar installers ensures that your system is installed with precision and care. From initial site assessment to final testing, we handle every detail to provide a seamless experience.

  • Comprehensive Site Inspection: We assess your property to create a tailored system design that maximises solar output.
  • Professional Installation: Our certified technicians ensure a safe, efficient installation to the highest standards.
  • Thorough Testing: We conduct full system checks to guarantee it performs at its peak from day one.

Why Choose Us?

We specialise in providing premium solar solutions that save you money and increase your energy independence. With industry-leading products, expert service, and ongoing support, we’re here to help you make the most of your solar investment.

  • Top-Quality Products: Featuring trusted brands like JA Solar and Goodwe.
  • Certified Installation: Experienced, accredited installers who prioritise safety and performance.
  • Customer Support: We’re here for you, from system selection to post-installation support.

Ready to Lower Your Energy Bills?

Take control of your energy future with our 5.2kW JA Solar System, Goodwe Hybrid Inverter, and 12.8kWh Battery Bundle. Use our Energy Analyser to determine your energy needs, and contact us today to schedule a site inspection. Invest in a greener, more cost-effective future and start saving on your electricity bills now!

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General Energy Savings Analysis

5.2kW Solar Power System with 12.8kWh Battery

For households with daily electricity consumption ranging from 21-24kWh, installing a 5.2kW solar power system paired with a 12.8kWh battery can greatly reduce your grid reliance and lower your electricity bills. With an expected 37% self-consumption, this system helps you make the most of your solar energy, using it during the day and storing excess energy in the battery for use at night. Below is a detailed analysis of the potential savings based on these parameters.

System Overview

  • Solar PV Capacity: 5.2kW
  • Average Daily Solar Generation: 5.2kW x 4.2 kWh/kW = 21.84 kWh/day
  • Battery Storage Capacity: 12.8kWh
  • Client’s Average Daily Energy Consumption: 21-24kWh
  • Electricity Tariff: $0.40/kWh (grid electricity cost)
  • Feed-In Tariff: $0.05/kWh (for excess solar exported to the grid)

Energy Distribution

With 37% self-consumption, a significant portion of the solar energy generated will be used directly, while the rest will be stored in the 12.8kWh battery to cover evening or non-solar hours. Any remaining energy after battery storage will be exported to the grid.

Energy Breakdown

1. Energy Used Directly from Solar (Self-Consumption)
  • Self-Consumption Rate: 37% of solar generation is used immediately during the day.
  • Direct Solar Use: 37% of 21.84 kWh = 8.08 kWh/day used directly from solar generation.

2. Energy Stored in Battery
  • Battery Capacity: The remaining solar energy that is not used directly will be stored in the 12.8kWh battery.
  • Excess Energy Available for Storage: 63% of the solar energy is available for storage.
    • 63% of 21.84 kWh = 13.76 kWh/day.
    • Since the battery capacity is 12.8kWh, the battery can store up to 12.8 kWh/day of the excess energy.

3. Energy Imported from the Grid
  • Client’s Average Daily Energy Consumption: 21-24kWh.
  • Solar and Battery Contribution: Total energy provided by the solar system and battery is 8.08 kWh (direct use) + 12.8 kWh (battery) = 20.88 kWh/day.
  • Remaining Energy Drawn from the Grid:
    • For 21kWh consumption:
      21kWh - 20.88kWh (solar + battery) = 0.12 kWh/day from the grid.
    • For 24kWh consumption:
      24kWh - 20.88kWh = 3.12 kWh/day from the grid.

4. Excess Energy Exported to the Grid
  • Excess Energy Exported: The remaining solar energy that is not consumed or stored is exported to the grid. Since the battery stores 12.8kWh of the excess solar, any remaining energy is exported.
    • Excess Energy Available: 13.76 kWh (excess solar) - 12.8 kWh (battery storage) = 0.96 kWh/day exported to the grid.

Financial Analysis

1. Self-Consumption Savings
  • Electricity Tariff: $0.40/kWh.
  • Daily Savings from Self-Consumption (Solar + Battery):
    • Self-Consumed Energy: 8.08 kWh (direct) + 12.8 kWh (battery) = 20.88 kWh/day.
    • Savings: 20.88 kWh x $0.40/kWh = $8.35/day.

2. Cost of Grid Electricity
  • Energy Imported from the Grid:
    • For 21kWh usage: 0.12 kWh/day.
    • For 24kWh usage: 3.12 kWh/day.
  • Daily Cost of Grid Electricity:
    • 21kWh scenario: 0.12 kWh x $0.40/kWh = $0.05/day.
    • 24kWh scenario: 3.12 kWh x $0.40/kWh = $1.25/day.

3. Feed-In Tariff Earnings
  • Excess Energy Exported: 0.96 kWh/day.
  • Earnings from Feed-In Tariff: 0.96 kWh x $0.05 = $0.05/day.

4. Total Daily Benefit
  • 21kWh Daily Scenario:
    • Daily Savings from Solar and Battery: $8.35/day.
    • Daily Grid Cost: -$0.05/day.
    • Daily Feed-In Tariff Earnings: +$0.05/day.
    • Net Daily Benefit: $8.35 - $0.05 + $0.05 = $8.35/day.
  • 24kWh Daily Scenario:
    • Daily Savings from Solar and Battery: $8.35/day.
    • Daily Grid Cost: -$1.25/day.
    • Daily Feed-In Tariff Earnings: +$0.05/day.
    • Net Daily Benefit: $8.35 - $1.25 + $0.05 = $7.15/day.

5. Annual Savings
  • 21kWh Scenario:
    $8.35/day x 365 = $3,047.75/year.
  • 24kWh Scenario:
    $7.15/day x 365 = $2,609.75/year.

Why Choose a 5.2kW Solar Power System with a 12.8kWh Battery?

  • Maximised Self-Consumption: With 37% self-consumption, the system ensures that a significant portion of your energy needs are met directly by solar, reducing grid reliance.
  • Substantial Financial Savings: Depending on your energy usage, you could save between $2,609.75 and $3,047.75 per year, significantly cutting your electricity bills.
  • Energy Independence: The 12.8kWh battery stores excess solar energy, allowing you to use solar power even when the sun isn’t shining, reducing your dependence on grid electricity.
  • Environmental Impact: By using more of your own renewable solar energy, you reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Get a Tailored Savings Estimate with Our AI Energy Analyser

While this analysis gives a solid estimate, actual savings will vary based on specific energy consumption patterns, location, and seasonal factors. For a highly accurate and tailored savings estimate, try our AI Home Energy Analyser, which uses advanced data analytics to evaluate your household’s unique energy usage and solar potential, providing detailed and personalised recommendations.

Why Use Our AI Energy Analyser?

  • Precision and Accuracy: Our AI tool uses real-time data and advanced algorithms to deliver the most accurate savings projections based on your specific situation.
  • Customised Recommendations: Get personalised insights into how to optimise your energy savings based on your unique usage patterns and solar conditions.
  • Transparency and Clarity: We provide clear and detailed calculations, helping you understand your potential savings and how to maximise them.

Ready to Maximise Your Solar Savings? Discover how much you can save with a 5.2kW solar system and 12.8kWh battery. Try our AI Home Energy Analyser to get a customised savings estimate tailored to your needs!

5kW JA Solar 440w N-Type | Goodwe Inverter + 12.8kWh Battery | Installed

$ 15,938.00 AUD
* Price Includes Standard Installation.
and is nett of any applicable STC's or incentives. (Including GST)
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