
5.28kW Trina Solar System with Sungrow 5kW Hybrid Inverter and 9.6kWh Battery

Looking to take control of your energy costs in Adelaide and South Australia? The 5.28kW Trina Solar Power System, paired with a Sungrow 5kW Hybrid Inverter and 9.6kWh Sungrow Battery, is a powerful option for homes with high electricity needs. This system is specifically designed to maximise solar energy production and store excess power for use during the evening, making it ideal for households with high daytime and night-time consumption.

  • Trina Solar Panels are industry leaders in efficiency and durability. These panels are designed to perform optimally under Australia’s sunny conditions, ensuring maximum solar generation even on overcast days.
  • The Sungrow 5kW Hybrid Inverter works seamlessly with the solar panels and battery, efficiently managing your home’s energy consumption. It allows you to make the most of the solar energy you generate by distributing it where it’s needed—either for direct use, battery storage, or export to the grid.
  • The 9.6kWh Sungrow Battery stores the excess solar energy generated during the day, providing enough power to cover your night-time electricity needs. This reduces your dependence on expensive grid electricity and helps you avoid high electricity rates during peak demand times.

Expert Installation by Rite Price Solar

At Rite Price Solar, we pride ourselves on providing tailored solar solutions that are professionally installed for long-term reliability. Our 5.28kW Trina Solar System with Sungrow 5kW Hybrid Inverter and 9.6kWh battery is designed to give you maximum control over your energy consumption, with a focus on reducing electricity bills.

  • Custom Solar Design: We design every system to meet your specific energy usage needs, ensuring that your solar and battery combination is optimised for your household’s consumption patterns.
  • Professional Installation: Our CEC-accredited installers guarantee high-quality workmanship, ensuring your system is set up to provide long-lasting performance.
  • Local Expertise in Adelaide: We’re well-versed in the local energy market and know how to maximise your solar system’s potential under South Australia’s sunny climate.

Interested in seeing exactly how much you could save? Try our AI Home Energy Analyser for a detailed, personalised savings estimate.

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General Energy Savings Analysis

Solar Savings with a 5.28kW Trina Solar System and 9.6kWh Battery

For homes using 22kWh of electricity per day, the combination of a 5.28kW Trina Solar System, Sungrow 5kW Hybrid Inverter, and 9.6kWh Sungrow Battery can result in significant energy savings. Below is a detailed analysis for a household with high daytime usage, demonstrating how solar generation and battery storage can drastically reduce grid reliance.

For the most accurate and personalised estimate, use our AI Home Energy Analyser.

Scenario: 22kWh/day with High Daytime Usage

1. Without Solar: 100% Grid Electricity Costs

  • Daily Energy Usage: 22kWh/day
  • Cost per Day: 22kWh x $0.40 = $8.80/day
  • Annual Grid Electricity Cost: $8.80/day x 365 = $3,212/year

2. With a 5.28kW Solar Power System and 9.6kWh Battery

  • Average Daily Solar Generation: A 5.28kW system produces approximately 22.2kWh/day in Adelaide.
  • High Daytime Self-Consumption (60%): In this scenario, 60% of your daily usage is covered directly by solar energy during daylight hours, equating to 13.32kWh/day of direct solar use.
  • Excess Energy Stored in Battery: The remaining solar energy (up to 9.6kWh) is stored in the battery, covering your night-time electricity needs.

Savings from Self-Consumption and Battery Use:

  • Daytime Usage Covered by Solar: 13.32kWh x $0.40 = $5.33/day
  • Battery Use at Night (9.6kWh): 9.6kWh x $0.40 = $3.84/day

Total Daily Savings:

  • Savings from Solar Use and Battery: $5.33 (daytime) + $3.84 (battery) = $9.17/day
  • Grid Usage (Remaining): The remaining energy drawn from the grid is minimal, assuming 0.28kWh comes from the grid, costing $0.11/day.
  • Net Daily Cost: With $9.17/day in savings, your reliance on grid power is nearly eliminated, reducing your grid cost to $0.11/day.

Total Annual Savings:

  • Total Annual Savings from Solar and Battery: $9.17/day x 365 = $3,348.05/year
  • Remaining Annual Grid Costs: $0.11/day x 365 = $40.15/year
  • Net Annual Benefit: With an original grid cost of $3,212/year, your system reduces your costs to $40.15/year, resulting in a total annual saving of $3,171.85.

Additional Earnings from Feed-In Tariff:

  • Excess Solar Exported to Grid: On days when the battery is fully charged and more solar energy is still being produced, this excess can be exported to the grid at $0.05 per kWh.
  • Assumed Excess Exported: 2kWh/day.
  • Feed-In Earnings: 2kWh/day x $0.05 = $0.10/day, or $36.50/year in feed-in tariff earnings.

Total Annual Benefit with Feed-In Tariff:

  • Total Savings from Solar and Battery: $3,171.85/year
  • Feed-In Earnings: $36.50/year
  • Total Annual Benefit: $3,208.35/year

Get a Personalised Estimate with the AI Home Energy Analyser

This savings analysis provides a solid estimate, but the actual savings may vary based on your specific energy consumption patterns and household needs. The best way to determine your potential savings is to use our AI Home Energy Analyser, which provides a customised breakdown of your solar benefits.

Click here to try our AI Home Energy Analyser and find out exactly how much you could save today!

5kW Trina Vertex Panels | 9.6kWh Sungrow Battery | Installed

$ 14,364.00 AUD
* Price Includes Standard Installation.
and is nett of any applicable STC's or incentives. (Including GST)
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