
6kW Jinko Tiger NEO Solar Power System with Sungrow Hybrid Inverter and 19.2kWh Battery

If you’re looking for an efficient and cost-effective solar energy solution in Adelaide and South Australia, the 6kW Jinko Tiger NEO Solar Power System, paired with a 5kW Sungrow Hybrid Inverter and 19.2kWh Sungrow Battery, provides the perfect balance of solar power generation and energy storage. This setup is ideal for medium-sized households seeking to reduce energy bills and achieve greater energy independence.

Jinko Tiger NEO Solar Panels are renowned for their industry-leading efficiency and durability, making them an excellent choice for households aiming to maximise solar power generation. These high-efficiency panels perform well even in cloudy conditions, ensuring consistent energy output throughout the year.

The Sungrow 5kW Hybrid Inverter offers seamless integration between your solar panels and battery storage, ensuring that solar energy is efficiently utilised to power your home. It manages energy flows effectively, allowing you to use solar power in real-time or store it for later use.

The 19.2kWh Sungrow Battery provides substantial energy storage, allowing you to store excess solar energy generated during the day and use it at night or during peak demand periods. This minimises your reliance on grid electricity, helping you avoid high electricity prices.

Expert Installation by Rite Price Solar

At Rite Price Solar, we ensure every installation is completed to the highest standards and tailored to your home’s specific energy needs. With a 6kW Jinko Tiger NEO Solar Power System and Sungrow 19.2kWh Battery, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your system is designed for maximum solar savings and long-term performance.

  • Custom Solar Design: Our systems are tailored to fit your home’s energy profile, ensuring optimal performance and savings from your solar investment.
  • Professional Installation: Our CEC-accredited installers provide high-quality installation, meeting all regulatory standards to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your system.
  • Local Knowledge and Support: As a trusted solar installer in Adelaide, we understand the local energy market and how to optimise solar systems for South Australia’s sunny climate.

For a personalised breakdown of how much you can save with a 6kW solar system, use our AI Home Energy Analyser. This advanced tool provides a tailored recommendation based on your unique energy usage and property characteristics.

Click here to try our AI Home Energy Analyser and get your custom savings estimate today.

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General Energy Savings Analysis

Solar Savings with a 6kW Jinko Tiger NEO Solar System and 19.2kWh Battery

The combination of a 6kW Jinko Tiger NEO Solar Power System, 5kW Sungrow Hybrid Inverter, and 19.2kWh battery provides ample solar generation and storage capacity to significantly reduce your electricity bills. Below, we present a savings analysis for a household with daily energy consumption of 25-30kWh.

For a more accurate savings estimate based on your specific usage patterns, use our AI Home Energy Analyser to get a personalised calculation.

1. Without Solar: 100% Grid Electricity Costs

  • Daily Energy Usage: 30kWh/day
  • Cost per Day: 30kWh x $0.40 = $12.00/day
  • Annual Grid Electricity Cost: $12.00/day x 365 = $4,380/year

2. With a 6kW Solar Power System and 19.2kWh Battery

  • Average Daily Solar Generation: A 6kW system generates approximately 25.2kWh/day on average in Adelaide.
  • Self-Consumption (Daytime Usage - 30%): 30% of 30kWh/day = 9kWh/day used during the day.
  • Excess Energy Stored in Battery: The 19.2kWh battery stores excess solar energy to cover most night-time usage.

Savings from Self-Consumption and Battery Storage:

  • Daytime Usage Covered by Solar: 9kWh x $0.40 = $3.60/day
  • Battery Use at Night (19.2kWh): 19.2kWh x $0.40 = $7.68/day
  • Grid Reliance (Evening, if needed): Any additional energy needed beyond the battery storage will come from the grid. Assuming 1.8kWh is drawn from the grid, this would cost 1.8kWh x $0.40 = $0.72/day.

Total Daily Savings:

  • Savings from Solar and Battery Usage: $3.60/day (daytime) + $7.68/day (battery) = $11.28/day
  • Total Grid Cost with Solar and Battery: $0.72/day (remaining grid usage)
  • Net Daily Cost: The $11.28 saved from solar and battery use offsets most of your original grid cost, leaving only $0.72/day in remaining costs.

Total Annual Savings:

  • Total Annual Savings from Solar and Battery: $11.28/day x 365 = $4,117.20/year
  • Remaining Annual Grid Costs: $0.72/day x 365 = $262.80/year
  • Net Annual Benefit: Original grid cost of $4,380/year is reduced to just $262.80/year, providing an annual saving of $4,117.20.

Additional Earnings from Feed-In Tariff:

  • Excess Solar Exported to Grid: On days when the battery is full and excess solar power is still generated, this excess energy will be exported to the grid at a rate of $0.05 per kWh.
  • Assumed Excess Exported: 3kWh/day (assuming most solar energy is used by the household or stored).
  • Feed-In Earnings: 3kWh/day x $0.05 = $0.15/day, or $54.75/year in feed-in tariff earnings.

Total Annual Benefit with Feed-In Tariff:

  • Total Savings from Solar and Battery: $4,117.20/year
  • Feed-In Earnings: $54.75/year
  • Total Annual Benefit: $4,171.95/year

Get a Personalised Estimate with the AI Home Energy Analyser

While these figures provide an excellent overview of the potential savings from a 6kW solar system paired with a 19.2kWh battery, the actual savings can vary based on your unique energy consumption. To get the most accurate and personalised savings estimate, use our AI Home Energy Analyser.

This tool will give you a detailed breakdown of your energy use, solar generation, and potential savings, helping you make an informed decision.

Click here to use our AI Home Energy Analyser and discover your solar savings potential today.

6kW Jinko Tiger NEO Panels | 19.2kWh Sungrow Battery | Installed

$ 19,352.00 AUD
* Price Includes Standard Installation.
and is nett of any applicable STC's or incentives. (Including GST)
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