
Power Your Family’s Energy Needs with Our 6kW Solar Package + 19.2kWh Battery

For families consuming an average of 25-30kWh of electricity per day, we have the perfect solar solution designed to deliver maximum efficiency and energy independence. Our 6kW Solar Package, featuring high-performance Trina Solar Panels, a Goodwe Inverter, and a robust 19.2kWh battery, is tailored to meet the demands of a busy household. This comprehensive system provides ample energy generation and storage, ensuring you have reliable power throughout the day and night while significantly cutting down your electricity bills.

Why This Package is Ideal for Your Family:

1. 6kW Trina Solar Panels
Our 6kW system is equipped with Trina Solar Panels, known for their exceptional efficiency and durability. These panels generate enough energy to power your home during peak daylight hours, and store excess energy for later use.

  • High Efficiency: Produce the energy your family needs with fewer panels, optimising roof space and cutting installation costs.
  • Advanced Technology: Multi-busbar and half-cell design ensures superior energy production, even in low-light conditions.
  • Long-Term Reliability: Built to withstand the harshest weather conditions, providing long-lasting, stable energy production.

2. Goodwe Inverter
The Goodwe Inverter converts the solar energy generated by your panels into usable electricity for your home.

  • Efficient Energy Conversion: Maximise your energy savings with a highly efficient inverter that ensures minimal energy loss.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Keep track of your system’s performance through the Goodwe app, allowing you to monitor and optimise your energy usage.
  • Reliability: Known for its robust design and long-term performance, the Goodwe Inverter is built to handle your family’s daily energy needs.

3. 19.2kWh Battery
With a massive 19.2kWh capacity, this battery is designed to store excess energy generated during the day, ensuring your family has enough power for the evening and night. It’s ideal for families with high daily energy consumption.

  • High Storage Capacity: Store enough energy to power your home during peak usage hours or during power outages.
  • Energy Independence: The large battery size ensures you rely less on the grid and more on your own stored energy.
  • Smart Energy Management: The system automatically adjusts to your family’s energy needs, ensuring efficient use of solar power and stored energy.

Why Families Using 25-30kWh Daily Will Benefit:

Families with an average daily consumption of 25-30kWh need a system that can handle higher energy demands. Our 6kW Solar Package + 19.2kWh Battery provides the perfect balance of energy generation and storage, making sure your home stays powered throughout the day and night, no matter the usage.

Discover Your Savings with Our AI Home Energy Analyser

Curious about how much you could save with this package? Use our AI Home Energy Analyser to get a personalised assessment based on your household’s energy consumption. Check your electricity bill to see if your home uses 25-30kWh daily, then let us show you how this system can help you achieve significant savings.

Benefits of Our 6kW Solar + 19.2kWh Battery Package:

  • Significant Energy Savings: Drastically reduce your energy bills with efficient solar power and large battery storage.
  • Reliable Backup Power: Keep your home running smoothly even during outages, with enough stored energy to power your family’s needs.
  • Energy Independence: Reduce your reliance on the grid and gain control over your energy use.
  • Smart Technology: Monitor and manage your energy usage in real time with user-friendly apps and devices.
  • Sustainable Living: Reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Get Started Today

Ready to reduce your electricity bills and power your home with reliable, clean energy? Contact Rite Price Solar today to schedule your site inspection and receive a customised quote. Don’t forget to check your savings potential with our AI Home Energy Analyser, and discover how much your family could save with this tailored solar solution!

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General Energy Savings Analysis

6.16kW Solar Power System with 19.2kWh Battery

If your household consumes between 25-30kWh per day and you are considering a 6.16kW solar power system with a 19.2kWh battery, you could drastically reduce your reliance on grid electricity and lower your energy bills. With an expected 30% self-consumption, this system allows you to use solar power during the day and store the excess energy in the battery for night-time use, maximising energy savings. Below is a detailed analysis of the potential savings based on these conditions.

System Overview

  • Solar PV Capacity: 6.16kW
  • Average Daily Solar Generation: 6.16kW x 4.2 kWh/kW = 25.87 kWh/day
  • Battery Storage Capacity: 19.2kWh
  • Client’s Average Daily Energy Consumption: 25-30kWh
  • Electricity Tariff: $0.40/kWh (grid electricity cost)
  • Feed-In Tariff: $0.05/kWh (for excess solar exported to the grid)

Energy Distribution

With 30% self-consumption, a portion of the solar energy generated will be used directly during the day, with the remaining excess stored in the 19.2kWh battery for use in the evening or non-solar hours. Any remaining energy that is not used or stored will be exported to the grid at the feed-in tariff.

Energy Breakdown

1. Energy Used Directly from Solar (Self-Consumption)

  • Self-Consumption Rate: 30% of solar generation is used immediately during the day.
  • Direct Solar Use: 30% of 25.87 kWh = 7.76 kWh/day used directly from solar generation.

2. Energy Stored in Battery

  • Battery Capacity: The remaining 70% of the solar energy will be available to be stored in the 19.2kWh battery.
  • Excess Energy Available for Storage: 70% of the solar energy is available for storage.
    • 70% of 25.87 kWh = 18.11 kWh/day.
    • Since the battery capacity is 19.2kWh, this energy can be fully stored, allowing for maximum battery utilisation.

3. Energy Imported from the Grid

  • Client’s Average Daily Energy Consumption: 25-30kWh.
  • Solar and Battery Contribution: Total energy provided by the solar system and battery is 7.76 kWh (direct use) + 18.11 kWh (battery) = 25.87 kWh/day.
  • Remaining Energy Drawn from the Grid:
    • For 25kWh consumption:
      25kWh - 25.87kWh (solar + battery) = 0 kWh/day from the grid (no grid electricity required).
    • For 30kWh consumption:
      30kWh - 25.87kWh = 4.13 kWh/day from the grid.

4. Excess Energy Exported to the Grid

  • Excess Energy Exported: Any remaining solar energy that cannot be stored in the battery or consumed will be exported to the grid. Since the battery stores 18.11 kWh/day, there is no excess energy exported to the grid under normal conditions.

Financial Analysis

1. Self-Consumption Savings

  • Electricity Tariff: $0.40/kWh.
  • Daily Savings from Self-Consumption (Solar + Battery):
    • Self-Consumed Energy: 7.76 kWh (direct) + 18.11 kWh (battery) = 25.87 kWh/day.
    • Savings: 25.87 kWh x $0.40/kWh = $10.35/day.

2. Cost of Grid Electricity

  • Energy Imported from the Grid:
    • For 25kWh usage: 0 kWh/day (no grid electricity required).
    • For 30kWh usage: 4.13 kWh/day.
  • Daily Cost of Grid Electricity:
    • 25kWh scenario: $0.00/day (no grid electricity required).
    • 30kWh scenario: 4.13 kWh x $0.40/kWh = $1.65/day.

3. Feed-In Tariff Earnings

  • Excess Energy Exported: Since all excess solar energy is stored in the battery, no energy is exported to the grid.
    Earnings from Feed-In Tariff: $0/day.

4. Total Daily Benefit

  • 25kWh Daily Scenario:
    • Daily Savings from Solar and Battery: $10.35/day.
    • Daily Grid Cost: $0.00/day.
    • Daily Feed-In Tariff Earnings: $0/day.
    • Net Daily Benefit: $10.35/day.
  • 30kWh Daily Scenario:
    • Daily Savings from Solar and Battery: $10.35/day.
    • Daily Grid Cost: -$1.65/day.
    • Daily Feed-In Tariff Earnings: $0/day.
    • Net Daily Benefit: $10.35 - $1.65 = $8.70/day.

5. Annual Savings

  • 25kWh Scenario:
    $10.35/day x 365 = $3,777.75/year.
  • 30kWh Scenario:
    $8.70/day x 365 = $3,175.50/year.

Why Choose a 6.16kW Solar Power System with a 19.2kWh Battery?

  • Maximised Self-Consumption: With 30% self-consumption, the system ensures that a large portion of your energy needs are met directly by solar power, reducing your reliance on grid electricity.
  • Substantial Financial Savings: Depending on your energy usage, you could save between $3,175.50 and $3,777.75 per year, making this a high-return investment.
  • Increased Energy Independence: The 19.2kWh battery stores all excess solar energy, allowing you to use solar power even during non-sunny hours, significantly decreasing your need for grid electricity.
  • Environmental Impact: Using more of your own renewable solar energy reduces your carbon footprint and contributes to a more sustainable, eco-friendly future.

Get a Tailored Savings Estimate with Our AI Energy Analyser

While this analysis offers a solid estimate of potential savings, actual results may vary based on your specific energy consumption patterns, location, and seasonal changes. For the most accurate and personalised savings estimate, try our AI Home Energy Analyser. This tool uses advanced data analytics to evaluate your household’s unique energy usage and solar potential, providing detailed and tailored recommendations.

Why Use Our AI Energy Analyser?

  • Precision and Accuracy: Our AI tool uses real-time data and sophisticated algorithms to deliver the most accurate savings projections based on your unique energy usage.
  • Customised Recommendations: Get personalised insights into how you can optimise your energy savings based on your specific usage patterns and solar generation.
  • Clear and Transparent: We provide straightforward and transparent calculations, ensuring you fully understand your potential savings and how to maximise them.

Ready to Maximise Your Solar Savings? Discover how much you can save with a 6.16kW solar system and 19.2kWh battery. Try our AI Home Energy Analyser to get a customised savings estimate tailored to your needs!

6kW Trina | Goodwe Inverter + 19.2kWh Battery | Installed

$ 20,931.00 AUD
* Price Includes Standard Installation.
and is nett of any applicable STC's or incentives. (Including GST)
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