10kW Solar + Battery

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Perfect for High Energy Households in Adelaide

A 10kW solar system is the ideal choice for homes with large energy needs, typically using 30-45kWh per day. This system provides substantial power generation, drastically reducing your reliance on grid electricity and offering a significant reduction in energy bills, especially with the right battery to store excess solar power.

Reduce Your Energy Costs with Solar and Battery Storage

By pairing your 10kW solar system with a properly sized battery, you can store excess solar energy generated during the day and use it during the night or during times of low sunlight. This dramatically reduces the need to draw electricity from the grid, especially at peak times when energy costs are higher.

Tailored Solar + Battery Solutions for Adelaide’s Climate

In Adelaide and South Australia, where sunshine is plentiful, installing a 10kW solar system with battery ensures that you’re maximising your self-consumption of solar energy. By choosing the right size battery based on your daily energy usage and daytime consumption, you can optimise savings and energy independence.

How to Choose the Right Battery for a 10kW Solar System in Adelaide

When you install a 10kW solar system in Adelaide, selecting the right battery size is crucial to maximising your self-consumption and energy savings. Below, we’ll break down how different battery sizes align with your household’s daily energy usage and daytime consumption patterns.

1. Daily Energy Usage: 30-45kWh/day

If your home uses 30-45kWh per day, a 10kW solar system is perfect for generating enough power to meet your needs. To optimise this system, you’ll want to pair it with a 10-15kWh battery to store the excess energy produced during peak sunlight hours.

  • Example:
    • Daily Usage: 40kWh/day
    • Daytime Consumption (50%): 20kWh/day covered by solar
    • Excess Energy Stored: 10-15kWh/day stored in the battery, enough to cover evening and night-time usage.

2. Ideal Battery Size: 10-15kWh for Balanced Energy Use

For households with balanced energy usage (50% day, 50% night), a 10-15kWh battery provides enough capacity to store the excess energy generated by a 10kW solar system during the day. This stored energy can then be used in the evening when grid electricity prices are higher.

  • Battery Size: 10-15kWh
  • Daytime Solar Generation: ~35-40kWh
  • Excess Energy Stored: 10-15kWh in the battery for evening use
  • Result: This setup ensures that much of your evening energy is powered by solar, reducing grid dependence.

3. High Daytime Consumption: Larger Homes or Businesses

For homes or businesses with high daytime energy consumption (70-80% during the day), you may not need as large a battery. However, pairing your system with a smaller 8-10kWh battery ensures that any excess energy produced can be stored for the night. This setup is perfect for large homes or small businesses with heavy daytime power use, such as appliances, air conditioning, or office equipment.

  • Battery Size: 8-10kWh
  • Daytime Solar Generation: 35-40kWh
  • Excess Energy Stored: 8-10kWh to cover evening or early morning usage
  • Result: Ideal for households with high daytime consumption but still provides solar energy storage for off-peak use.