10kWh Battery

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Store Your Solar Energy for Peak Evening Use

If you’re currently exporting excess solar energy back to the grid for only 5c per kWh, a 10kWh battery is an excellent way to increase self-consumption. Instead of selling your excess solar energy, you can store it and use it during the evening when electricity prices spike to as much as 40c per kWh. This setup allows you to maximise savings from your existing solar system.

Boost Your Solar Efficiency with a 10kWh Battery

By pairing a 10kWh battery with your 6kW solar system, you can store the excess energy generated during the day and use it at night, reducing your reliance on the grid. This solution is particularly beneficial for households that use 30% of their energy during the day and 70% at night. A 10kWh battery allows you to make the most of your solar power even after the sun goes down.

Perfect for Medium-Sized Homes in Adelaide

A 10kWh battery is an ideal solution for medium-sized homes in Adelaide with a 6kW solar system. It allows you to store enough energy to power your home through the night, ensuring that most of your energy needs are met by your solar system. This drastically reduces your need for expensive grid electricity during peak evening hours.

How a 10kWh Battery Increases Solar Self-Consumption in Adelaide

Let’s explore how a 10kWh battery helps increase self-consumption. We’ll use the example of a 6kW solar system generating approximately 25.2kWh per day in Adelaide, with the household using 30% of energy during the day and 70% at night.

1. Daytime Usage: Using 30% of Solar Energy Directly

For homes that use 30% of their energy during the day and the rest at night, about 30% of your solar energy is consumed directly during daylight hours. The remaining 70% can be stored in a 10kWh battery for evening use, allowing you to use your solar energy when grid prices are highest.

  • Scenario:
    • Solar System Size: 6kW, generating 25.2kWh/day on average.
    • Daytime Consumption (30%): 7.56kWh used during the day.
    • Excess Solar Energy: 17.64kWh/day available for storage.
    • Battery Capacity Used: 10kWh/day stored in the battery.
    • Excess Energy Exported to Grid: 7.64kWh/day if the battery is full.

2. Ideal Battery Size: 10kWh for Night-Time Consumption

For homes using 70% of their energy at night, a 10kWh battery is perfectly suited to store most of the excess solar energy from your 6kW system. This allows you to avoid purchasing expensive electricity from the grid during evening and night-time hours.

  • Battery Size: 10kWh
  • Daytime Solar Generation: 25.2kWh/day
  • Excess Energy Stored in Battery: 10kWh stored for night-time use.
  • Grid Reliance at Night: Minimal (only if battery is depleted).

3. Savings from Self-Consumption with a 10kWh Battery

By using a 10kWh battery, you’ll significantly reduce the need to buy electricity from the grid during peak times, saving up to 40c per kWh. This setup allows you to make the most of your solar energy, especially during evening hours when grid electricity prices are at their highest.

  • Night-Time Usage Powered by Solar: 10kWh
  • Savings from Night-Time Solar Usage: 10kWh x $0.40 = $4.00/day
  • Annual Savings from Battery Use: $4.00/day x 365 = $1,460/year