12kW Solar + Battery

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Unlock Energy Independence with a 12kW Solar & Battery Package

Take control of your energy future with a powerful 12kW solar system paired with advanced battery storage. This package is designed to dramatically cut your energy bills while helping you maximise self-sufficiency. Whether you're a growing family or a business looking to reduce overheads, a 12kW system ensures you're capturing and storing every ray of sun to power your home day and night. Why keep paying rising energy prices when you can generate your own power?

Save More, Store More – The Smart Solar Solution

Don’t just generate solar energy – store it and use it when you need it most! With a 12kW solar and battery package, you can slash your reliance on the grid and make the most of Australia’s abundant sunshine. This system is built to give you energy security, reducing your carbon footprint while keeping your home running efficiently, even after dark. Ideal for large households or properties with high energy demands, this solution helps you avoid peak pricing and save even more in the long run.

Find Your Perfect Energy Match with Our AI Energy Analyser

Not sure if a 12kW system is right for you? Our AI Energy Analyser takes the guesswork out of solar by customising a solution based on your unique energy consumption patterns. In just a few clicks, you’ll receive tailored recommendations for the perfect solar and battery package, ensuring you get the most value from your investment. Don’t wait – take the first step towards energy independence today by trying our AI Energy Analyser. It’s fast, free, and puts you in control of your energy savings.

Solar Savings Scenario: 12kW Solar Power System with a 20kWh Battery

For homeowners looking to maximise the benefits of installing a 12kW solar power system paired with a 20kWh battery, understanding the ideal energy consumption is key to maximising savings. A 12kW solar system can produce significant energy, and when combined with a 20kWh battery, it allows you to store excess solar power for use during non-sunny periods. This analysis will explore the ideal daily energy consumption that maximises the value of this solar and battery setup, focusing on optimising both direct solar use and battery storage.

System Overview
  • Solar PV Capacity: 12kW
  • Average Daily Solar Generation: 12kW x 4.2 kWh/kW = 50.4 kWh/day
  • Battery Storage Capacity: 20kWh
  • Electricity Tariff: $0.40/kWh (grid electricity cost)
  • Feed-In Tariff: $0.05/kWh (for excess solar exported to the grid)

Ideal Daily Energy Consumption for Maximum Savings

To fully utilise a 12kW solar power system with a 20kWh battery, the ideal daily energy consumption should align with the energy generation and battery storage capacity. The goal is to consume as much solar energy as possible during the day and store the excess for night-time use. Here's how the energy breakdown works:

  • Direct Self-Consumption: The energy your home uses directly from solar during the day.
  • Battery Storage Use: The energy stored in the battery during the day, which is used later when the sun is not shining.
  • Excess Energy Exported: The energy not consumed or stored, exported to the grid at the feed-in tariff rate.

Ideal Energy Breakdown

For maximum savings, the ideal daily energy consumption should aim to balance direct solar usage and battery storage, while minimising the amount of energy exported to the grid at the low feed-in tariff. Here's an optimal scenario for energy use:

Direct Solar Consumption
  • Direct Self-Consumption Target: 30-40% of daily solar generation used immediately during the day.
  • Direct Energy Usage: 30-40% of 50.4 kWh = 15.12 to 20.16 kWh/day.

Battery Storage Use
  • Battery Capacity: The 20kWh battery can store a portion of the excess solar energy during the day.
  • Excess Energy Stored in Battery: After direct use, the excess energy is stored in the battery. Assuming ideal usage:
    • Excess Energy Available for Storage: 60-70% of daily solar generation.
    • Excess Solar Generation: 60-70% of 50.4 kWh = 30.24 to 35.28 kWh/day.
    • Battery Storage Capacity: Since the battery capacity is 20kWh, it can store up to 20kWh/day.

Total Self-Consumption (Direct + Battery)

The total self-consumption includes the energy used directly during the day and the energy drawn from the battery at night.

  • Total Self-Consumption: Direct (15.12-20.16 kWh) + Battery (up to 20kWh) = 35.12 to 40.16 kWh/day.

Excess Energy Exported to the Grid

Any energy that exceeds your direct consumption and battery capacity will be exported to the grid at the feed-in tariff rate. In this case:

  • Excess Energy Exported:
    50.4 kWh (total solar) - 35.12-40.16 kWh (self-consumption) = 10.24 to 15.28 kWh/day exported to the grid.

Financial Analysis

1. Self-Consumption Savings
  • Electricity Tariff: $0.40/kWh
  • Daily Savings from Self-Consumption:
    • Low Estimate: 35.12 kWh x $0.40 = $14.05/day
    • High Estimate: 40.16 kWh x $0.40 = $16.06/day

2. Earnings from Feed-In Tariff
  • Feed-In Tariff Rate: $0.05/kWh
  • Daily Earnings from Feed-In Tariff:
    • Low Estimate: 10.24 kWh x $0.05 = $0.51/day
    • High Estimate: 15.28 kWh x $0.05 = $0.76/day

3. Total Daily Benefit
  • Low Estimate Total:
    $14.05 (self-consumption savings) + $0.51 (feed-in earnings) = $14.56/day
  • High Estimate Total:
    $16.06 (self-consumption savings) + $0.76 (feed-in earnings) = $16.82/day

Annual Savings
  • Low Estimate Annual Savings:
    $14.56/day x 365 = $5,313.40/year
  • High Estimate Annual Savings:
    $16.82/day x 365 = $6,139.30/year

Why Choose a 12kW Solar Power System with a 20kWh Battery?

  • Maximised Self-Consumption: The combination of a 12kW solar system and a 20kWh battery allows you to use up to 40kWh/day of self-generated energy, significantly reducing your grid reliance.
  • Substantial Financial Savings: Depending on your energy usage, you could save between $5,313 to $6,139 per year on electricity bills.
  • Energy Independence: With the ability to store up to 20kWh of excess solar energy, you can power your home during the night and reduce your reliance on expensive grid electricity.
  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: By using more of your own renewable energy, you lower your environmental impact and contribute to a greener future.

Ideal Daily Energy Consumption.

To fully optimise a 12kW solar system with a 20kWh battery, your ideal daily energy consumption should range between 35 to 40kWh. This ensures that you’re using the maximum amount of solar energy while still storing enough in your battery to power your home during non-solar hours.

Get a Detailed, Tailored Savings Estimate with Our AI Energy Analyser

While this analysis provides a solid estimate, actual savings may vary based on your specific energy usage and solar production. To get an accurate, personalised savings estimate, try our AI Home Energy Analyser, which takes into account your unique energy consumption patterns, solar generation, and even seasonal changes to provide precise, data-driven recommendations.

Why Trust Our AI Energy Analyser?

  • Highly Accurate Projections: Our AI tool uses real-time data and advanced algorithms to calculate your exact potential savings based on your home’s energy usage.
  • Customised Advice: Receive tailored insights on how best to maximise your energy savings and improve your solar and battery system’s performance.
  • Clear and Transparent: We provide straightforward calculations, ensuring you understand your potential energy and cost savings.

Ready to Maximise Your Solar Savings? Discover how much you can save with a 12kW solar system and 20kWh battery. Try our AI Home Energy Analyser to get a customised savings estimate tailored to your needs!