20kWh Battery

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Take Control of Your Solar Energy with a 20kW Battery

If you already have solar and are frustrated by selling excess energy back to the grid for just 5c per kWh, upgrading to a 20kW battery allows you to store that excess power. Instead of feeding energy back to the grid for low rates, you can use stored solar energy when you need it most, especially during peak periods when grid electricity prices are higher.

Unlock the Power of Energy Arbitrage

For those looking to take advantage of the energy market fluctuations, a 20kW battery allows you to engage in energy arbitrage. You can charge your battery during low-cost or even negative grid prices and either use the energy at night when electricity prices rise, or sell it back to the grid at peak rates, potentially earning significant returns.

Ideal for Homes with Solar Looking for Independence

A 20kW battery is the perfect solution for Adelaide homeowners with existing solar systems, seeking to increase energy independence or tap into energy arbitrage opportunities. With a capacity of 20kWh, this battery can power your home during evening hours, store energy when grid prices are low, and give you the flexibility to reduce or eliminate your reliance on grid electricity.

How to Maximise the Value of a 20kW Battery in Adelaide

When upgrading to a 20kW battery, it’s important to pair it with the right solar system and understand the opportunities for both self-consumption and energy arbitrage. Below, we outline the best savings scenarios for Adelaide homes using the battery for either purpose.

1. Self-Consumption: Storing Excess Solar Energy for Night-Time Use

With a 20kW battery, you can store excess solar energy during the day and use it at night when grid prices reach up to 40c per kWh. This is especially useful for households with a solar system currently exporting energy at a low 5c per kWh feed-in tariff.

  • Scenario:
    • Solar System Size: 5kW, generating 21kWh/day on average.
    • Daytime Consumption (30%): 6.3kWh used during the day.
    • Excess Solar Energy: 14.7kWh/day stored in the 20kW battery.
    • Battery Capacity Used: 14.7kWh/day stored for night-time use.

Savings from Self-Consumption:

  • Grid Offset (Night-Time): 14.7kWh x $0.40 = $5.88/day
  • Annual Savings from Night-Time Use: $5.88/day x 365 = $2,146/year

2. Energy Arbitrage: Buying Low, Selling High

By engaging in energy arbitrage, you can take advantage of times when the grid price drops as low as 2c per kWh or even goes negative. By filling your 20kW battery during these low-cost periods and using it during peak times (or selling it back to the grid at prices up to $2 per kWh, but typically around 45-50c per kWh), you can create additional savings or earnings.

  • Scenario:
    • Battery Size: 20kWh, charged during low-cost periods (~2c per kWh).
    • Grid Cost to Fill Battery: 20kWh x $0.02 = $0.40/day
    • Grid Offset (Night-Time Use): 20kWh x $0.40 = $8.00/day
    • Potential Earnings from Selling Energy: 20kWh x $0.50 = $10.00/day

Savings and Earnings from Arbitrage:

  • Offset Grid Use (Night-Time): $8.00/day - $0.40 = $7.60/day
  • Potential Earnings from Selling Energy: $10.00/day - $0.40 = $9.60/day
  • Annual Savings from Arbitrage: $7.60 x 365 = $2,774/year
  • Annual Earnings from Selling Energy: $9.60 x 365 = $3,504/year

Savings Analysis for a 20kW Battery with Solar in Adelaide

Here’s a breakdown of the potential savings for households upgrading to a 20kW battery in Adelaide, depending on whether it’s used for self-consumption or energy arbitrage.

1. Self-Consumption Savings:

For homes with a 5kW solar system generating 21kWh/day:

  • Daytime Self-Consumption (30%): 6.3kWh used during the day.
  • Excess Solar Energy Stored: 14.7kWh/day stored in the 20kW battery.
  • Savings from Stored Energy: 14.7kWh/day x $0.40 = $5.88/day
  • Annual Savings: $5.88/day x 365 = $2,146/year

2. Energy Arbitrage Savings:

For homes using energy arbitrage with a 20kW battery:

  • Grid Cost to Fill Battery (Low Prices): 20kWh x $0.02 = $0.40/day
  • Savings from Offsetting Grid Use (Night-Time): 20kWh x $0.40 = $8.00/day
  • Earnings from Selling Energy (High Prices): 20kWh x $0.50 = $10.00/day

Total Annual Benefit:

  • Self-Consumption Savings: $2,146/year
  • Arbitrage Savings (Offsetting Night Use): $2,774/year
  • Potential Earnings from Selling Energy: $3,504/year

By upgrading to a 20kW battery, you can either store excess solar energy for night-time use, saving up to $2,146/year, or take advantage of energy arbitrage, potentially saving $2,774/year and earning up to $3,504/year by selling energy back to the grid at peak times.

Get a Personalised Battery Quote for Your Home

For a detailed recommendation on how much you could save by upgrading to a 20kW battery in Adelaide, try our AI Home Energy Analyser. It provides personalised insights based on your energy usage and solar potential.

Click here to get your free, personalised battery quote.