30kWh Battery

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Maximise the Value of Your Solar Energy

If you’re tired of selling your excess solar energy back to the grid for as little as 5c per kWh, upgrading to a 30kW battery allows you to store that energy and use it when you need it most. By keeping your energy for night-time use, you’ll drastically reduce your grid dependence and maximise the value of your solar power.

Harness the Power of Energy Arbitrage

For homeowners looking to take advantage of energy market fluctuations, a 30kW battery offers the potential to arbitrage the energy market. By charging your battery when energy prices are low or even negative—often around midday—and discharging during peak times, you can offset your grid electricity usage or even sell back to the grid at high prices, creating a lucrative opportunity.

Ideal for Homes with Solar or Those Wanting Energy Independence

A 30kW battery is the ideal solution for homes with existing solar systems in Adelaide that are looking for energy independence or want to tap into energy arbitrage. This system allows you to store up to 30kWh of energy, ensuring you can power your home during peak usage times or sell your stored energy back to the grid when prices are high.

How to Maximise the Value of a 30kW Battery in Adelaide

When upgrading to a 30kW battery, it’s important to pair it with the right solar system size and understand how to leverage energy arbitrage to maximise your savings. Below, we’ll outline the ideal savings scenarios for homes using solar energy for self-consumption and energy arbitrage opportunities.

1. Self-Consumption: Storing Excess Solar Energy for Night-Time Use

If you have a solar system and are currently exporting excess energy to the grid at 5c per kWh, adding a 30kW battery allows you to store that energy and use it when the sun isn’t shining—like during the evening or at night—where grid prices are typically 40c per kWh.

  • Scenario:
    • Solar System Size: 6kW, generating 25.2kWh/day on average.
    • Daytime Consumption (30%): 7.56kWh used during the day.
    • Excess Solar Energy: 17.64kWh/day available to store in the 30kW battery.
    • Battery Capacity Used: 17.64kWh/day stored in the battery for night-time use.

Savings from Self-Consumption:

  • Grid Offset (Night-Time): 17.64kWh x $0.40 = $7.06/day
  • Annual Savings from Night-Time Use: $7.06/day x 365 = $2,577/year

2. Arbitraging the Energy Market: Buying Low, Selling High

For those looking to take advantage of energy arbitrage, a 30kW battery allows you to buy energy from the grid when prices are low—sometimes as low as 2c per kWh during the middle of the day—and either use it when grid prices peak at night (around 40c per kWh) or sell it back to the grid during high-demand periods (potentially at prices up to $2 per kWh, but typically around 45-50c per kWh).

  • Scenario:
    • Battery Size: 30kW, filled during low-price periods (~2c per kWh).
    • Grid Cost to Fill Battery: 30kWh x $0.02 = $0.60/day
    • Grid Offset (Night-Time Use): 30kWh x $0.40 = $12.00/day
    • Potential Earnings from Selling Energy: 30kWh x $0.50 = $15.00/day

Savings and Earnings from Arbitrage:

  • Offset Grid Use (Night-Time): $12.00/day - $0.60 = $11.40/day
  • Potential Earnings from Selling: $15.00/day - $0.60 = $14.40/day
  • Annual Savings from Arbitrage: $11.40 x 365 = $4,161/year
  • Annual Earnings from Selling Energy: $14.40 x 365 = $5,256/year

Savings Analysis for a 30kW Battery with Solar in Adelaide

Let’s break down the potential savings for households in Adelaide upgrading to a 30kW battery, depending on whether you are using the battery for self-consumption or energy arbitrage.

1. Self-Consumption Savings:

For homes with a 6kW solar system generating 25.2kWh/day:

  • Daytime Self-Consumption (30%): 7.56kWh used during the day.
  • Excess Solar Energy Stored: 17.64kWh/day stored in the 30kW battery.
  • Savings from Stored Energy: 17.64kWh/day x $0.40 = $7.06/day
  • Annual Savings: $7.06/day x 365 = $2,577/year

2. Arbitraging the Energy Market:

For homes using energy arbitrage with a 30kW battery:

  • Grid Cost to Fill Battery (Low Prices): 30kWh x $0.02 = $0.60/day
  • Savings from Offsetting Grid Use (Night-Time): 30kWh x $0.40 = $12.00/day
  • Earnings from Selling Energy (High Prices): 30kWh x $0.50 = $15.00/day

Total Annual Benefit:

  • Self-Consumption Savings: $2,577/year
  • Arbitrage Savings (Offsetting Night Use): $4,161/year
  • Potential Earnings from Selling Energy: $5,256/year

By upgrading to a 30kW battery, you can either store excess solar energy for night-time use, saving up to $2,577/year, or take advantage of energy arbitrage, potentially saving $4,161/year and earning up to $5,256/year by selling energy back to the grid at peak times.

Get a Personalised Battery Quote for Your Home

For a tailored recommendation on how much you could save by upgrading to a 30kW battery in Adelaide, try our AI Home Energy Analyser. It’s designed to provide you with an accurate estimate based on your energy consumption and solar potential.

Click here to get your free, personalised battery quote.