3kWh/5kWh - Solar/Battery

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Designed for Balanced Energy Usage

For households using 12-15kWh of electricity per day, with energy needs split evenly between day and night, a 3kW solar system paired with a 5kWh battery is an ideal match. This system generates enough solar power to cover your daytime needs and store the surplus energy to use in the evening, reducing your reliance on the grid.

5kWh Battery: Efficient Storage for Evening Use

The 5kWh battery offers just the right amount of storage for homes with balanced day and night energy usage. It ensures that excess solar power generated during the day is stored and used at night, allowing you to avoid the high grid electricity costs of $0.40 per kWh, especially during peak hours.

Smart Solar Use in Adelaide’s New Market

With feed-in tariffs in South Australia now as low as $0.05 per kWh, exporting excess energy to the grid is no longer a profitable strategy. Instead, the 3kW solar system and 5kWh battery focus on self-consumption, ensuring you use the solar energy you generate to power your home both day and night, maximising your savings.

Detailed Savings Analysis for a 3kW Solar + 5kWh Battery in Adelaide

Let’s break down the potential savings for a typical Adelaide household consuming 12-15kWh per day, with balanced energy consumption (50% used during the day and 50% at night). We’ll compare grid electricity costs at $0.40 per kWh and feed-in tariffs at $0.05 per kWh.

1. Without Solar (100% Grid Electricity)

  • Daily Electricity Usage: 15kWh
  • Cost per Day: 15kWh x $0.40 = $6.00/day
  • Annual Cost: $6.00 x 365 = $2,190/year

2. 3kW Solar System Only (No Battery)

  • Solar Generation: A 3kW system generates approximately 12-14kWh per day on average in Adelaide.
  • Daytime Self-Consumption (50%): 50% of 15kWh = 7.5kWh/day
  • Excess Exported to Grid (50%): ~4.5kWh/day exported at $0.05 = $0.23/day
  • Savings from Self-Consumption: 7.5kWh x $0.40 = $3.00/day
  • Feed-In Tariff Earnings: $0.23/day
  • Total Daily Savings: $3.00 + $0.23 = $3.23/day
  • Annual Savings: $3.23 x 365 = $1,178.95/year

3. 3kW Solar System + 5kWh Battery

Adding a 5kWh battery allows you to store excess solar energy for night-time use, significantly reducing your reliance on grid electricity.

  • Solar Generation: 12-14kWh/day
  • Daytime Self-Consumption: 7.5kWh/day (covered by solar)
  • Battery Storage: 5kWh/day (used at night)
  • Excess Exported to Grid: ~1-1.5kWh/day at $0.05 = $0.05-0.08/day
  • Savings from Self-Consumption: 7.5kWh (daytime) + 5kWh (battery) = 12.5kWh/day
  • Cost Avoided: 12.5kWh x $0.40 = $5.00/day
  • Feed-In Tariff Earnings: $0.05-0.08/day
  • Total Daily Savings: $5.00 + ~$0.06 = $5.06/day
  • Annual Savings: $5.06 x 365 = $1,847.90/year

Total Benefit Over Grid-Only Use:

  • Without Solar: $2,190/year
  • 3kW Solar Only: $1,178.95/year saved
  • 3kW Solar + 5kWh Battery: $1,847.90/year saved

By installing a 3kW solar system with a 5kWh battery, households in Adelaide using 12-15kWh per day with 50/50 daytime and night-time consumption can save up to $1,847.90 per year on electricity bills. This system ensures you make the most of your solar energy, storing excess energy for evening use and significantly reducing your grid reliance.

Get a Personalised Solar and Battery Quote for Your Home

For a tailored solar and battery solution that matches your home’s specific energy usage, try our AI Home Energy Analyser. It provides a detailed, data-driven analysis to help you maximise your savings and find the perfect solar solution.

Click here to get your free, personalised solar quote.