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Perfect for High Daytime Demand (16-20kWh)

A 4kW solar system is ideal for homes in Adelaide using 16-20kWh of electricity per day with high daytime demand. This system will power most of your energy needs during the day, reducing reliance on grid electricity and cutting your energy bills significantly.

Great for Balanced Day/Night Usage (21-30kWh)

For households consuming 21-30kWh per day with a more balanced usage pattern between day and night, a 4kW system can still provide significant savings. This system will cover a substantial portion of your daytime consumption, and you can boost savings by shifting more energy use to daylight hours.

Self-Consumption is Key in Solar 2.0

With feed-in tariffs in Adelaide now at $0.05 per kWh, exporting excess solar energy to the grid offers minimal financial returns. The real savings come from self-consumption—using solar energy as it’s generated. A 4kW solar system is sized to meet your daytime needs, helping you avoid paying high grid electricity rates of $0.40 per kWh.

Detailed Savings Analysis for a 4kW Solar System in Adelaide.

Let’s break down the potential savings for two different usage patterns: homes using 16-20kWh per day with high daytime demand, and homes using 21-30kWh per day with balanced usage between day and night. We’ll compare grid electricity costs at $0.40 per kWh and feed-in tariffs at $0.05 per kWh.

Scenario 1: 16-20kWh Usage with High Daytime Demand

1. Without Solar (100% Grid Electricity)

  • Daily Electricity Usage: 20kWh
  • Cost per Day: 20kWh x $0.40 = $8.00/day
  • Annual Cost: $8.00 x 365 = $2,920/year

2. 4kW Solar System (High Daytime Usage)

  • Solar Generation: A 4kW system generates approximately 16-18kWh per day on average in Adelaide.
  • Daytime Self-Consumption (70%): 70% of 20kWh = 14kWh/day (covered by solar)
  • Excess Exported to Grid (30%): 2-4kWh/day exported at $0.05 = $0.10-0.20/day
  • Savings from Self-Consumption: 14kWh x $0.40 = $5.60/day
  • Feed-In Tariff Earnings: $0.10-0.20/day
  • Total Daily Savings: $5.60 + $0.15 = $5.75/day
  • Annual Savings: $5.75 x 365 = $2,098.75/year

3. Importance of Shifting Energy to Daytime

To maximise savings, shifting more energy consumption to daytime hours can further boost your solar self-consumption. If you can shift an additional 10% of your energy use to daylight hours, you could see even greater savings:

  • Daytime Self-Consumption (80%): 80% of 20kWh = 16kWh/day
  • Savings from Self-Consumption: 16kWh x $0.40 = $6.40/day
  • Annual Savings: $6.40 x 365 = $2,336/year

Scenario 2: 21-30kWh Usage with Balanced Day/Night Demand

1. Without Solar (100% Grid Electricity)

  • Daily Electricity Usage: 30kWh
  • Cost per Day: 30kWh x $0.40 = $12.00/day
  • Annual Cost: $12.00 x 365 = $4,380/year

2. 4kW Solar System (Balanced Usage)

  • Solar Generation: Still 16-18kWh per day
  • Daytime Self-Consumption (50%): 50% of 30kWh = 15kWh/day (covered by solar)
  • Excess Exported to Grid: ~1-3kWh/day exported at $0.05 = $0.05-0.15/day
  • Savings from Self-Consumption: 15kWh x $0.40 = $6.00/day
  • Feed-In Tariff Earnings: $0.05-0.15/day
  • Total Daily Savings: $6.00 + $0.10 = $6.10/day
  • Annual Savings: $6.10 x 365 = $2,226.50/year

Maximising Savings for Balanced Usage Homes

If you can shift more of your night-time energy consumption to the daytime, your savings will improve further. For example, shifting just 10% more of your usage to the day would significantly increase savings:

  • Daytime Self-Consumption (60%): 60% of 30kWh = 18kWh/day
  • Savings from Self-Consumption: 18kWh x $0.40 = $7.20/day
  • Annual Savings: $7.20 x 365 = $2,628/year

Total Benefit Over Grid-Only Use:

  • Without Solar (16-20kWh): $2,920/year
  • 4kW Solar (70% Daytime): $2,098.75/year saved
  • 4kW Solar (80% Daytime): $2,336/year saved
  • Without Solar (21-30kWh): $4,380/year
  • 4kW Solar (50% Balanced Usage): $2,226.50/year saved
  • 4kW Solar (60% Balanced Usage): $2,628/year saved

A 4kW solar system can save households with 16-20kWh of daily high daytime consumption up to $2,336/year. For homes with 21-30kWh of balanced usage, the system can save up to $2,628/year. Shifting more energy use to daylight hours is key to maximising your savings.

Ready to Maximise Your Solar Savings?

For a detailed, personalised recommendation on how a 4kW solar system can help you save based on your energy usage patterns, try our AI Home Energy Analyser. It provides a data-driven analysis tailored to your home’s energy needs.

Click here to get your free, personalised solar quote.