5kWh Battery

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Store Your Excess Solar Energy and Reduce Grid Reliance

If your home already has a 3kW solar system, upgrading to a 5kWh battery is a smart way to store the excess solar energy you generate during the day. Instead of sending your solar energy back to the grid for 5c per kWh, you can store it in a battery and use it at night when grid electricity costs up to 40c per kWh. This upgrade helps maximise your solar investment.

Increase Your Solar Self-Consumption with a 5kWh Battery

Pairing a 5kWh battery with a 3kW solar system allows you to store solar energy produced during the day and use it during peak evening hours. This is particularly beneficial for homes that use 30% of their energy during the day and 70% at night, ensuring that you rely less on grid electricity and take full advantage of your solar power.

Perfect for Small to Medium Homes in Adelaide

A 5kWh battery is ideal for small to medium-sized homes in Adelaide with an existing 3kW solar system. By storing excess solar power during the day, you can power your home at night, reducing your electricity bills and increasing energy independence.

How a 5kWh Battery Increases Solar Self-Consumption in Adelaide

Here’s how a 5kWh battery increases solar self-consumption. We’ll use the example of a 3kW solar system generating approximately 12.6kWh per day in Adelaide, with the household using 30% of energy during the day and 70% at night.

1. Daytime Usage: Using 30% of Solar Energy Directly

In this scenario, about 30% of the solar energy generated by your 3kW system is consumed during the day, while the remaining 70% can be stored in a 5kWh battery for use in the evening or night-time.

  • Scenario:
    • Solar System Size: 3kW, generating 12.6kWh/day on average.
    • Daytime Consumption (30%): 3.78kWh used during the day.
    • Excess Solar Energy: 8.82kWh/day available to store.
    • Battery Capacity Used: 5kWh/day stored in the battery.
    • Excess Energy Exported to Grid: 3.82kWh/day once the battery is full.

2. Ideal Battery Size: 5kWh for Night-Time Consumption

For homes using 70% of their energy at night, a 5kWh battery is well-suited to store the extra solar energy produced by your 3kW solar system. This allows you to avoid paying for expensive grid electricity during peak evening hours.

  • Battery Size: 5kWh
  • Daytime Solar Generation: 12.6kWh/day
  • Excess Energy Stored in Battery: 5kWh stored for evening use.
  • Grid Reliance at Night: Reduced reliance, but still some grid use if needed.

3. Savings from Self-Consumption with a 5kWh Battery

By using a 5kWh battery, you can reduce the need to purchase grid electricity at night when prices are high (up to 40c per kWh). This setup allows you to store solar energy during the day and use it when the sun goes down, maximising your savings.

  • Night-Time Usage Powered by Solar: 5kWh
  • Savings from Night-Time Solar Usage: 5kWh x $0.40 = $2.00/day
  • Annual Savings from Battery Use: $2.00/day x 365 = $730/year