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Perfect for Low, Medium, and High Daytime Consumption

A 7kW solar system is ideal for larger households with varying levels of daytime energy consumption. Whether your home uses most of its energy during the day or night, this system provides enough power to significantly reduce your reliance on grid electricity, and by shifting more of your energy use to daytime hours, you can unlock even greater savings.

Tailored to Your Home’s Energy Usage

By understanding your home’s energy usage pattern—whether you have low, medium, or high daytime consumption—you can maximise your savings with a 7kW solar system. Below are savings scenarios for different types of energy use, along with the ideal average daily consumption for each scenario.

Savings Scenario 1: Low Daytime Consumption (30% Daytime / 70% Night-Time)

Ideal Average Daily Consumption: 26-30kWh/day

For households that consume 26-30kWh per day with low daytime energy usage (about 30% during the day and 70% at night), a 7kW system can generate enough power to cover most of your daytime needs while exporting a significant portion of excess energy to the grid.

1. Without Solar (100% Grid Electricity)

  • Daily Electricity Usage: 30kWh
  • Cost per Day: 30kWh x $0.40 = $12.00/day
  • Annual Cost: $12.00 x 365 = $4,380/year

2. 7kW Solar System (Low Daytime Consumption)

  • Solar Generation: A 7kW system generates approximately 28-30kWh per day on average in Adelaide.
  • Daytime Self-Consumption (30%): 30% of 30kWh = 9kWh/day (covered by solar)
  • Excess Exported to Grid (70%): 19-21kWh/day exported at $0.05 = $0.95-1.05/day
  • Savings from Self-Consumption: 9kWh x $0.40 = $3.60/day
  • Feed-In Tariff Earnings: $0.95-1.05/day
  • Total Daily Savings: $3.60 + $1.00 = $4.60/day
  • Annual Savings: $4.60 x 365 = $1,679/year

Shifting More Usage to Daytime

If you shift more energy usage to daytime hours (e.g., to 40% daytime consumption), your savings increase. For example:

  • Daytime Self-Consumption (40%): 40% of 30kWh = 12kWh/day
  • Savings from Self-Consumption: 12kWh x $0.40 = $4.80/day
  • Annual Savings: $4.80 x 365 = $1,752/year

Savings Scenario 2: Medium Daytime Consumption (50% Daytime / 50% Night-Time)

Ideal Average Daily Consumption: 21-25kWh/day

For homes that use 21-25kWh per day with a 50/50 split between day and night, a 7kW solar system will cover the majority of your daytime needs, significantly reducing your grid dependence.

1. Without Solar (100% Grid Electricity)
  • Daily Electricity Usage: 25kWh
  • Cost per Day: 25kWh x $0.40 = $10.00/day
  • Annual Cost: $10.00 x 365 = $3,650/year

2. 7kW Solar System (Medium Daytime Consumption)

  • Solar Generation: Still 28-30kWh per day
  • Daytime Self-Consumption (50%): 50% of 25kWh = 12.5kWh/day (covered by solar)
  • Excess Exported to Grid (50%): ~13-15kWh/day exported at $0.05 = $0.65-0.75/day
  • Savings from Self-Consumption: 12.5kWh x $0.40 = $5.00/day
  • Feed-In Tariff Earnings: $0.65-0.75/day
  • Total Daily Savings: $5.00 + $0.70 = $5.70/day
  • Annual Savings: $5.70 x 365 = $2,080.50/year

Increasing Daytime Usage

By shifting more energy usage to daytime hours, you can further boost savings. For example, if 60% of your energy is consumed during the day:

  • Daytime Self-Consumption (60%): 60% of 25kWh = 15kWh/day
  • Savings from Self-Consumption: 15kWh x $0.40 = $6.00/day
  • Annual Savings: $6.00 x 365 = $2,190/year

Savings Scenario 3: High Daytime Consumption (80% Daytime / 20% Night-Time)

Ideal Average Daily Consumption: 17-20kWh/day

For households with 17-20kWh per day and high daytime usage (80% of energy consumed during daylight hours), a 7kW system can cover nearly all of your daytime energy needs, resulting in maximum savings.

1. Without Solar (100% Grid Electricity)

  • Daily Electricity Usage: 20kWh
  • Cost per Day: 20kWh x $0.40 = $8.00/day
  • Annual Cost: $8.00 x 365 = $2,920/year

2. 7kW Solar System (High Daytime Consumption)

  • Solar Generation: Still 28-30kWh per day
  • Daytime Self-Consumption (80%): 80% of 20kWh = 16kWh/day (covered by solar)
  • Excess Exported to Grid (20%): ~12-14kWh/day exported at $0.05 = $0.60-0.70/day
  • Savings from Self-Consumption: 16kWh x $0.40 = $6.40/day
  • Feed-In Tariff Earnings: $0.60-0.70/day
  • Total Daily Savings: $6.40 + $0.65 = $7.05/day
  • Annual Savings: $7.05 x 365 = $2,573.25/year

Maximising Savings for High Daytime Users

If your household can shift an even greater portion of energy usage to the daytime, such as 90% during the day, you can achieve the highest possible savings. For example:

  • Daytime Self-Consumption (90%): 90% of 20kWh = 18kWh/day
  • Savings from Self-Consumption: 18kWh x $0.40 = $7.20/day
  • Annual Savings: $7.20 x 365 = $2,628/year

Total Benefit Over Grid-Only Use:

  • Low Daytime Consumption (26-30kWh): $1,679/year saved
  • Medium Daytime Consumption (21-25kWh): $2,080.50/year saved
  • High Daytime Consumption (17-20kWh): $2,573.25/year saved

A 7kW solar system offers substantial savings across different consumption patterns. By shifting more energy usage to the daytime, households with high daytime usage can save up to $2,573.25 per year, while those with medium or low daytime usage still enjoy significant reductions in electricity costs.

Maximise Your Solar Savings with the Right Usage Pattern

Shifting energy usage to daylight hours is key to maximising your solar savings. For a personalised recommendation on how a 7kW solar system can help you save based on your home’s energy consumption, try our AI Home Energy Analyser. It provides a tailored, data-driven analysis to optimise your solar investment.

Click here to get your free, personalised solar quote.