9kW Solar + Battery

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Designed for Medium to Large Homes in Adelaide

A 9kW solar system is ideal for homes or small businesses in Adelaide with daily energy consumption of 25-40kWh. This system provides ample power to meet most of your energy needs, especially when paired with the right-sized battery to store excess energy for night-time or low-sunlight hours.

Maximise Your Savings with Solar and Battery Storage

By combining your 9kW solar system with a battery, you can store the excess solar energy produced during the day and use it when the sun isn’t shining. This allows you to reduce or eliminate your dependence on grid electricity during peak times, cutting your energy bills even further.

Optimised for Adelaide’s Sunshine

A 9kW solar system paired with a battery is a smart investment in Adelaide’s sunny climate. The system produces a significant amount of electricity during the day, and with the right battery size, you can store the surplus for evening use. This helps optimise self-consumption and maximise your return on investment.

1. Daily Energy Usage: 25-40kWh/day

For households that use 25-40kWh per day, a 9kW solar system provides enough energy to power most of your daytime needs. To store the excess energy produced, a 7-13kWh battery is ideal, allowing you to use stored energy during the evening and night.

  • Example:
    • Daily Usage: 35kWh/day
    • Daytime Consumption (50%): 17.5kWh covered by solar
    • Excess Energy Stored: 7-13kWh/day stored in the battery for evening and night-time use.

2. Ideal Battery Size: 7-13kWh for Balanced Energy Usage

For homes with balanced energy use (50% during the day, 50% at night), a 7-13kWh battery will provide enough capacity to store the excess energy generated by your 9kW system during the day, ensuring you can draw on solar power during the evening.

  • Battery Size: 7-13kWh
  • Daytime Solar Generation: ~32-36kWh
  • Excess Energy Stored: 7-13kWh stored in the battery for evening use
  • Result: Significantly reduces grid electricity use during the night.

3. High Daytime Consumption: Lower Battery Needs

If your home has high daytime consumption (70-80% of energy used during the day), you may need a smaller battery, as most of your solar energy will be consumed directly. A 5-7kWh battery will store any surplus energy for later use, covering your needs when the sun goes down.

  • Battery Size: 5-7kWh
  • Daytime Solar Generation: ~32-36kWh
  • Excess Energy Stored: 5-7kWh stored in the battery
  • Result: Ensures you have solar energy available during the evening, reducing reliance on the grid.

Savings Analysis for a 9kW Solar System with Battery in Adelaide

Let’s break down the savings you could achieve with a 9kW solar system paired with a battery for a typical Adelaide household using 25-40kWh per day. We’ll assume grid electricity costs $0.40 per kWh and the feed-in tariff is $0.05 per kWh.

1. Without Solar: 100% Grid Electricity Costs

  • Daily Usage: 35kWh/day
  • Cost per Day: 35kWh x $0.40 = $14.00/day
  • Annual Cost: $14.00 x 365 = $5,110/year

2. With a 9kW Solar System + 7-13kWh Battery

  • Solar Generation: A 9kW system generates approximately 32-36kWh/day on average in Adelaide.
  • Daytime Self-Consumption (50%): 50% of 35kWh = 17.5kWh/day covered by solar.
  • Excess Energy Stored in Battery: 7-13kWh/day stored in the battery for evening use.
  • Grid Reliance: Only 5-10kWh/day would need to be drawn from the grid.

Savings from Self-Consumption and Battery Storage

  • Savings from Self-Consumption: 17.5kWh x $0.40 = $7.00/day
  • Savings from Battery Use (Evening): 7-13kWh stored in the battery x $0.40 = $2.80-5.20/day
  • Total Daily Savings: $7.00 (daytime) + $4.00 (battery) = $11.00/day
  • Annual Savings: $11.00 x 365 = $4,015/year

Earnings from Feed-In Tariff

  • Excess Solar Exported to Grid: ~5kWh/day
  • Feed-In Tariff Earnings: 5kWh/day x $0.05 = $0.25/day
  • Annual Feed-In Earnings: $0.25/day x 365 = $91.25/year

Total Annual Benefit with a 9kW Solar System and 7-13kWh Battery:

  • Total Savings from Solar and Battery: $4,015/year
  • Total Earnings from Feed-In Tariff: $91.25/year
  • Total Annual Benefit: $4,106.25/year

By installing a 9kW solar system paired with a 7-13kWh battery, households in Adelaide can save up to $4,106 per year. This setup allows you to use solar energy during the day and store excess energy for use at night, providing significant reductions in electricity bills and greater energy independence.

Get a Personalised Solar + Battery Quote for Your Home

For a tailored recommendation on how much you could save with a 9kW solar system and battery in Adelaide, try our AI Home Energy Analyser. It provides a detailed analysis based on your energy consumption and solar potential.

Click here to get your free, personalised solar quote.