6kW Solar + Battery

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Tailored for Medium-Sized Homes in Adelaide

A 6kW solar system is ideal for medium-sized homes in Adelaide, typically using 18-25kWh of electricity per day. This system generates enough solar power to cover most of your energy needs during the day and, with the right battery, can store excess energy for night-time use, reducing your reliance on grid electricity.

Maximise Self-Consumption with Solar and Battery Storage

Pairing your 6kW solar system with a battery allows you to store excess energy generated during the day for use at night or on cloudy days. This significantly lowers your energy bills, helping you reduce or eliminate your need for grid electricity during peak periods.

Optimised for Adelaide’s Sunny Conditions

With ample sunshine in Adelaide, a 6kW solar system with battery is a great way to harness solar energy efficiently. By choosing the right-sized battery based on your daily usage and daytime consumption patterns, you can achieve maximum savings and energy independence.

How to Choose the Right Battery for a 6kW Solar System in Adelaide

Choosing the right battery size to pair with a 6kW solar system is essential for optimising savings. Below, we’ll outline the ideal battery sizes for different daily usage and daytime consumption levels.

1. Daily Energy Usage: 18-25kWh/day

For homes that use 18-25kWh per day, a 6kW solar system provides sufficient power to meet most daytime energy needs. Pairing this system with a 5-9kWh battery ensures that excess solar energy generated during the day is stored for use at night, reducing your reliance on grid power.

  • Example:
    • Daily Usage: 22kWh/day
    • Daytime Consumption (50%): 11kWh covered by solar
    • Excess Energy Stored: 5-9kWh/day stored in the battery for evening use.

2. Ideal Battery Size: 5-9kWh for Balanced Energy Usage

For households with balanced energy usage (50% day, 50% night), a 5-9kWh battery is ideal. This size stores enough excess energy from your 6kW solar system to cover your night-time use, significantly reducing grid dependency.

  • Battery Size: 5-9kWh
  • Daytime Solar Generation: ~24-26kWh/day
  • Excess Energy Stored: 5-9kWh stored in the battery for evening use
  • Result: Minimises grid reliance during the night and maximises solar energy use.

3. High Daytime Consumption: Smaller Battery Needed

For households with high daytime consumption (70-80% used during the day), a smaller battery will suffice. A 3-5kWh battery can store the remaining solar energy for night-time use, ensuring you make the most of your solar system without over-relying on the grid.

  • Battery Size: 3-5kWh
  • Daytime Solar Generation: 24-26kWh/day
  • Excess Energy Stored: 3-5kWh/day stored in the battery
  • Result: Provides sufficient energy for evening use with minimal reliance on grid electricity.

Savings Analysis for a 6kW Solar System with Battery in Adelaide

Here’s a breakdown of the potential savings when combining a 6kW solar system with a battery for a typical household in Adelaide using 18-25kWh per day. We’ll assume grid electricity costs $0.40 per kWh and the feed-in tariff is $0.05 per kWh.

1. Without Solar: 100% Grid Electricity Costs

  • Daily Usage: 22kWh/day
  • Cost per Day: 22kWh x $0.40 = $8.80/day
  • Annual Cost: $8.80 x 365 = $3,212/year

2. With a 6kW Solar System + 5-9kWh Battery

  • Solar Generation: A 6kW system generates approximately 24-26kWh/day on average in Adelaide.
  • Daytime Self-Consumption (50%): 50% of 22kWh = 11kWh/day covered by solar.
  • Excess Energy Stored in Battery: 5-9kWh/day stored in the battery for evening use.
  • Grid Reliance: Only 2-6kWh/day would need to be drawn from the grid.

Savings from Self-Consumption and Battery Storage

  • Savings from Self-Consumption: 11kWh x $0.40 = $4.40/day
  • Savings from Battery Use (Evening): 5-9kWh stored in the battery x $0.40 = $2.00-3.60/day
  • Total Daily Savings: $4.40 (daytime) + $2.80 (battery) = $7.20/day
  • Annual Savings: $7.20 x 365 = $2,628/year

Earnings from Feed-In Tariff

  • Excess Solar Exported to Grid: ~5kWh/day
  • Feed-In Tariff Earnings: 5kWh/day x $0.05 = $0.25/day
  • Annual Feed-In Earnings: $0.25/day x 365 = $91.25/year

Total Annual Benefit with a 6kW Solar System and 5-9kWh Battery:

  • Total Savings from Solar and Battery: $2,628/year
  • Total Earnings from Feed-In Tariff: $91.25/year
  • Total Annual Benefit: $2,719.25/year

By installing a 6kW solar system paired with a 5-9kWh battery, households in Adelaide can save up to $2,719 per year. This setup allows you to power your home during the day, store excess energy for night-time use, and reduce your reliance on grid electricity.

Get a Personalised Solar + Battery Quote for Your Home

For a tailored recommendation on how much you could save with a 6kW solar system and battery in Adelaide, try our AI Home Energy Analyser. It provides a detailed estimate based on your specific energy consumption and solar potential.

Click here to get your free, personalised solar quote.